INDUSTRY: Healthcare / Medical

CHALLENGE: One of the largest infertility clinic in New York that made significant investment in Internet, but had gained little to no presence on the internet after number of years. Their goal was to become most relevant site for infertility clinic in New York area via major search engines.

RESULTS:  Only after two weeks following the search engine optimization (SEO), Google and other search engines started indexing rmany.com site(s). Within a month, this site was positioned 1st on Google for “reproductive treatment new york” out of 92,100,000 results. After 5 months, search engine traffic increased by 500%. Additional mini-sites were developed with the local customers in mind. These mini-sites (infertilitywhiteplains.com and infertiltiyli.com) rose to the top of Yahoo as well. In fact, infertilitywhiteplains.com secured 1st position for 12 set of keyword pharases.

By creating multiple entry points into RMA and its mini-sites, client gained large part of Internet real estate within its category. Picture below shows results for “infertility treatment new york” search that places the site at 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th position on the first page of Google. The client’s sites gained 40% of that real estate. On Yahoo, for “infertility Treatment White Plains”, it was positioned at 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th positions on the first page. On MSN, for “IVF New York”, it ranked number 1 beating www.ivf.org, Cornell IVF, which was its biggest competitor.

This project was lead in co-operation of Y New Media, Inc and Realware, Inc

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